Psalm 73
73:1 Truly God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped.
3 For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
16 But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task,
17 until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end.
I cannot number the times I have been envious of the arrogant, and jealous to see the wicked prosper. Or even the Christians prosper. How many times have I thought, "Why do we have to struggle and scrape for pennies? What about the pastors who have new laptops and blackberries and whose wives have closets full of new clothes and every new kitchen gadget and they both make 6 digits speaking at conferences? Wouldn't ministry be so much easier if we didn't have to wonder and fret over how to pay our bills? Or if our van is going to make it another day? Or if our kids are going to have schoolbooks this year? "
Yeah, it might be easier. Or would it? Would I still long to go into the sanctuary of God to discern the truth about life? Would my love of people have to compete with my love of people's praise? Would my worship of God have to compete with my worship of possessions? Would my desire to do be helpful be overrun by my desire to be hip?
My heart truly goes out the pastors and families who are on the other end of the financial spectrum! Especially those who are truly trying to be Christ-centered and humble. The ones that stay faithful are much better people than I, and God has laid a heavy burden on them for His sake! I pray that they endure to the end and receive their rewards!
I thank God for my simple life!
27 For behold, those who are far from you shall perish; you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you.
28 But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge,
that I may tell of all your works.
Thank you, Lord, for using whatever means necessary for keeping me near you! Even if that means making me scrape for pennies for the rest of my days. I have made the Lord my refuge. There is nothing on earth I desire beside you! And, again, you have allowed all of this that I may tell of all your works.
Gambar Lucu Legendaris Bikin Ngakak
7 years ago
I thank God for a wife who can be happy with a simple life, especially since that's all we'll ever have here. But I'm also quite certain that your home in Heaven rivals anything Beverly Hills has to offer.
A good husband provides well for his wife on earth. An excellent husband provides his wife with the guidance she needs to gain a huge inheritance Forever! I have both. I pray that I make use of the guidance.
Not having much, makes me thankful for what I do have. :} And nothing compares to having Christ! :}
It was not until I experienced being financially bankrupt that I began to more fully appeciate what it meant to be spiritually bankrupt, having a debt I could not possibly pay. I thank God for purposing that in my life and for sending Christ who shed His precious blood to pay my debt. Praise God that He works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
That is so true, I feel blessed by so many little things, and ultimately blessed by Christ!
Awesome insight! I hadn't really thought of that. Next time I can't pay a bill on time, I guarantee I will think of what you said. That desperate feeling that I can't pay for what I've already done. How much more so our infinite debt to an infinitely good God! And it's been paid!!
Thank you for sharing!
Well...I have just visited this site for the first time and read every post and all the comments!
May I say that your posts have inspired me deeply?
It's always inspiring when someone is transparent enough to let others see who they are...the good, the bad, the ugly. And there's not another person who can't identify with being all three of those things.
The only other person who inspires me so deeply, and I say this through tears, is my precious other daughter-in-law. When I read the comments that you write back and forth, I am just so thankful that God has joined you both together not through the name, but through the blood!
I have been blessed beyond understanding that God would save us all!
By the way, You do have a very cool theme!
I'd like to link this site to my blog/multiply sites...if you say yes...
Love, Nancy
What was I reading about being misunderstood??
I didn't mean that your posts make you look good, bad, or
I just mean that when we are transparent, all
the things which make us who we are is on display. What's endearing, is that as believers, we can see all those same heart's desires within ourselves!
Blogs and comments are an opportunity for "one-anothering" !
Love, Nancy
Of course you can link to my blog. And you can call me good, bad, and ugly anytime! :) I own it. I am so excited that God is using my feeble words to touch others, even if its only a few.
I am also amazed at how God has worked in our family!
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