Friday, March 27, 2009

Psalm 1: Revisited

I sought the Psalms this evening for some much needed hydration. My soul is parched. The good soil is being harvested all around me, and yet, inside I feel like I'm living in the desert. My dear friend and sister (again) said the words that I have said to others so many times but have such a hard time following, "soak in the Word!" So I started at Psalm 1. As I read I realized that I had posted on this a couple of months ago, and I thought, "I wonder what I wrote," so I checked.

How ironic! The words that I wrote only 2 months ago cut my heart in two! They were fresh like I had never heard them before, but familiar like I knew when I was writing them that I was going to need them. Only I didn't know... God did. The Holy Spirit is alive and active. To think that he was planning this 2 months ago blows my mind. Why does he even care? Because it is all part of the story of redemption! That's why I will get back on track.

Here is what I wrote. And in the meantime, in some ways, because I have not exercised caution, I have become like those I am trying to reach. I have not outwardly acted like them, but in ways I have begun to think like the world. I have indulged aspects of my personality I forgot existed! So do I quarantine myself to keep out the sin? No! I can't! God is doing mighty things in the lives of the people I have allowed into my life. I believe this is the very battle that God wants us engaged in. The answer is in Psalm 1. Delight in the Word!! And I have lost all delight in it in the past few weeks. I have done without the one thing I knew 2 months ago that I couldn't do without.

Father, I am begging you to give me the hunger. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." Forgive me for thinking that I could do this on my own. I want to chase after your glory, not mine. I want to bear your fruit in your time, and I know that I need YOU to do that. Make me the "tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." Everything is failing, and now I know why. Thank you for your Word, thank you for the Spirit, and thank you for the friendship of beautiful people who are chasing your glory and speaking your truth.

1 comment:

JanAl said...

You are so loved! I am praying for you! I just want to remind of my new/old/familiar "verse", it has been a sweet reminder to me this past week;
John 15:5 "for apart from Me you can do nothing",
I could not even guess how many times I have repeated this verse, this past week. ENDURE!