Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Real Servants Have Empty Hands

For the last week I have been drawing the Living Water from a slightly different well than usual. I have been reading Comforts from the Cross and meditating and praying through the scriptures given and the wisdom with which God has blessed Elyse Fitzpatrick. My mother-in-law, Nancy (who also happens to be one of my dearest friends,) has been my drinking buddy. We both read a chapter in the morning and email one another any thoughts or insights. This morning, I was deeply moved by the reading and I wanted to post my thoughts here, but couldn't seem to find the words. When I read Nancy's commentary, it seemed to be just what I wanted to say! So I asked her if I could share here. I hope you are blessed by it, and I hope you can feel the joy in her words the way that I can.

(Our reading today was based mostly on Luke 23: 32-43. Jesus and the two criminals crucified beside him. If you haven't read it recently I invite you to click on the link above and read it.)

I am feeling closer to God with each chapter I read from this book! I am getting closer to that place where I was the day I called out to Him, "Jesus, remember me..."

I am learning to come to Jesus, each day, each hour, each minute in the same standing I came to Him the first time I came... destitute. Because in reality, nothing's changed without the work of the Lord! I haven't cleaned myself up one tiny bit! None of my own efforts at righteousness can ever get me past the point of destitution! Oh... doesn't that make God all the more glorious!!

Both criminals on the cross beside Jesus asked to be saved! I had never really seen it from the perspective Elyse showed. I can see now, that I have lived as both of these persons! The first time I came to Christ, I was the humble and contrite sinner, asking Him to remember me. As I became more legalistic in my approach, I became the proud and arrogant sinner, wanting to be sure Jesus recognized all I was doing to prove my love. Yes, you have saved me... I want to make you glad you did!

Then I read from this chapter... and I quote, " He doesn't even wish I were a bit nicer..." That would have seemed utterly preposterous to me a month ago! Now I see it differently. When God desires me to be nice, it is He who causes it to be so. The glory is always His...never mine! I know I have used the expression, "All the glory goes to God". But didn't really understand what I was even saying.

I haven't felt for a very long time that I could tell Jesus I loved Him and was thankful for my pardon without feeling obligated to Him. But in the beginning, I sure did. At the moment of my salvation, I felt more love and gratitude for God than at anytime since! Standing there with empty hands... I couldn't help but express it! My heart cried out to praise Him!
Standing before God with empty hands, makes His grace so much much more humbling.

I'll never love Him perfectly until I'm with Him face to face. But I can still express it today! I can still say to Jesus, " I really do love you with all that I am in the flesh, in the only way a redeemed sinner is capable of..."

Based on the peace and joy I receive from Him, I know He's still answering me today, the same way He did then, "I know you do...I believe you, because it is I who has given you that ability to know me, love me, and worship me as your Savior."

I'm seeing servanthood in a new way. I'm seeing my act of servanthood as always remembering who God is, and who I am. I'm seeing servanthood as an act of keeping my heart inclined toward Him and not myself. I'm seeing my servanthood wrapped up in "being for Him" and not "doing for Him". By my being a child of God, He has my works laid out for me. All of my abilities and acts are prepared for me beforehand according to God's will... not mine.
And yet in the end, knowing it is God who has done it all, He'll still say, "Well done, good and faithful servant" !
How great is our God!
~Nancy Livingston

Thank you, Nancy, for helping to incline my heart back toward Christ and away from me!

"Lord, today I thank you for your amazing grace. It becomes more and more amazing to me each time I look at it. Thank you for being a fountain of Living Waters that never runs dry. You are never boring! I never tire of seeing who you are. Just when I think I have it figured out, you show me more. I thank you that when you gave me the perfect husband, you threw in a bonus that not everyone gets, a mother-in-law that is a dear sister in Christ who can encourage and lift me up, and turn me to the cross! I thank you for the gifts you have given me in this life, and, Lord, I pray that you would continue to incline my heart more toward you, so that the gifts that you have given me will flow freely back into Your Kingdom!"


Nan said...

Hi Mandy~

I only hope that God uses what you've posted to show others who still feel they need to keep laws as a way of showing love for Christ, it truly is not necessary and can only "play into the enemy's strength", as Elyse puts it!
I prayed that God would show me what true freedom looks like, what being dead to the law means for me. I hoped God might give me a resource. I been blessed beyond my wildest hopes, and am finally understanding the depts and subtlty
of legalism, and the real way out of it through this book! I didn't need another "how to" book, focusing on what "I" can do to feel closer to God. This book certainly is the opposite of that!

I must add though, while this devotional I am reading has been the way out of legalism, God was prepping me in advance for this particular path I'm now on!
I have another sister in Christ, whom God used as a catalyst in bringing me where I am today! I am so very grateful for her. She happens to be my other daughter-in-law, JanAl! She was willing to make herself vulnerable and open to me, and in doing so, it helped open my eyes to a truth I'd never wanted to confront. I'd been carrying some baggage for years, which had become painful stumbling blocks to building closer relationships with those I love... including her! I can see now, that God was clearing the path for taking me a direction I don't think I'd have understood, much less accepted. My own personal pride would have prevented it!

Gee, it feels good to be free!

Amanda said...

It's a family affair:)

JanAl was also a wonderful bonus to my marriage! How blessed can one person be?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Amanda and Nancy for this post! I need to continually remember that just as salvation is ALL of Christ, so is His working of my sanctification.

This was especially helpful: "At the moment of my salvation, I felt more love and gratitude for God than at anytime since! Standing there with empty hands... I couldn't help but express it! My heart cried out to praise Him!"

Also: "I'm seeing servanthood in a new way. I'm seeing my act of servanthood as always remembering who God is, and who I am. I'm seeing servanthood as an act of keeping my heart inclined toward Him and not myself. I'm seeing my servanthood wrapped up in "being for Him" and not "doing for Him".

You are both a blessing to me!

JanAl said...


To know Him is to love Him!